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Writer's pictureAna Novinc

THE FORMULATOR'S PROSPERITY PLAN: 10 questions for undeniable motivation and formulator's success

For the past 10 years or so (OMG I'm turning 30 in one month!) I dedicated most of my free time to reading books on personal growth and positive psychology. Some of the knowledge I gained went straight down the drain but some of it became an important part of me and my everyday life. The essence of this knowledge is gathered in my secret bible of life - my prosperity plan!

lab notes, prosperity plan

What's in there? Everything that moves me, drives me, uplifts me, inspires me, motivates me, and empowers me to do my best by addressing my core values. A few pages that describe my toughest and happiest life moments, my beliefs, my values, my strengths, and my weaknesses, the things I adore and the things that upset me, my life vision, my life mission, and my big WHY breakdown.

Those few pages are a true LIFESAVER when I feel down, uninspired, lost, or feel like quitting.

In this blog post, I'm sharing a shortened version of my prosperity plan with you, so you can join me on my level up journey!


The purpose of your Formulator's Prosperity Plan is to:

  • create inspiration for your work,

  • gain clarity and focus in life,

  • develop a strong sense of your true identity,

  • help you with your goal-setting and goal-achieving,

  • boost your motivation when you feel lost.

By creating a written prosperity plan, you'll understand on a deeper level WHY you're doing WHAT you're doing. Revisiting it on a regular basis will help you redirect yourself on the right track, create opportunities, make wise decisions that are aligned with your beliefs, and progress in the direction of your ambitions.

I firmly believe that business and personal identity, mission, and values should be intertwined that's why the list of the following questions covers both areas simultaneously.

You can't live a happy life nor run a successful business if you're fake, unmotivated, or moved away from your essence. Loving WHAT you do and HOW you do it is imperative to welcoming prosperity into your life.

Now grab a pen and a paper or copy-paste the questions to your computer file & get started!

lab notes, prosperity plan, writing, formulator's success


THE PAST (what touches me)

1. My happiest life moments:

2. My toughest life moments:

THE NOW (what inspires me & what upsets me)

3. 10 skincare brands/skincare gurus, I admire the most and why (you can name actual people/brands by name or write about their attributes – e.g. formulators who launched their artisan skincare brand while working full-time, because of their determination and time-management skills)

4. What upsets me about the skincare industry?

5. How to avoid those things and how to make them better?

THE FUTURE (what drives me)

6. List of adjectives that I would like people are using when describing me/my brand?

7. Magazine cover/TV show/TEDx talk (if I'd be featured in one of those media, what would be the headline):

MY BIG WHY (what is important to me)

8. Why would I like to succeed, why does it matter?

9. What would that bring me (and the people around me)?

REALITY CHECK (what is already mine)

10. What do I already have (personal traits, skills, and tools) that prove I am on the right track?


How will you know if you have written a »good« prosperity plan?

If you'll do it properly, a shift of strong emotions will occur while writing it. The questions above are not meant for superficial answers.

Answers can be short but must be strong, powerful, deep, and meaningful TO YOU.

Take your time, you don't have to answer all of the questions in one day. If you want your prosperity plan to work, please, write it down. The answers will have barely any value if you answer them in your mind or just read through them.


The questions were inspired by the prosperity plan from one of my favorite entrepreneurial books, THE TOILET PAPER ENTREPRENEUR by Mike Michalowicz. This book is far from the average promising theory business books you've read - no complicated technics, no absurd guidelines, no BS, but disarmingly funny common sense and easy approach to some serious business. I love it!


If you're formulating with LAB NOTES Product Developer, the Formulator's Prosperity Plan will act as an excellent motivation booster to help you out with your Business goal-tracking SET. For those who're still flirting with the most detailed and upgraded diary in the LAB NOTES shop, you can use the Prosperity Plan to set your inspiration and focus grounds then upgrade your self-mastery with the 10-minute action plan (Wildest skincare dream breakdown) and Quarterly planning found in the LAB NOTES Product Developer.

For more details check out the diary HERE.

lab notes diary, product developer, making cosmetics, diy skincare

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